August 26, 2021 (FARGO, N.D.) – As we seek to build Agathos Biologics, it’s important to state our mission, values and strategy. We have taken the first step in this direction, describing our approach on our web site in the pages “Our Mission”, “Our Strategy” and “Good Science for a Better World” (collectively GSBW). We will look for opportunities to refine and further communicate in these areas, and one way to do this is to respond to relevant current events. Recently, Jason Fried, CEO of the software company Basecamp made a public statement about “Changes at Basecamp” and CTO David Hansson followed up with a post titled “new etiquette regarding societal politics at work”, which have garnered considerable news coverage and responses from many different perspectives. We believe Basecamp’s statement raises some important issues that we would like to address in the context of the culture of Agathos Biologics. Read the white paper in full here.